Rabu, 14 Desember 2016


This is my movie maker
presented by
Dian mutia sari 2314.115

 This is about prepare for call
  1.  Movie maker   DOWNLOAD this movie maker about improving your skill in vocabulary, make you easier to speaking and writing if  you have more than vocabilary. come on download and find that's tric.. waiting you for download 😉😊😊😉
  2. Audacity    DOWNLOAD Let's play.... and listen, download to listen 😳
  3. Video editor     DOWNLOAD it is good movie

Kamis, 01 Desember 2016

Learning Exsperience

a big fan of music, and use it a lot when working, but I had no idea about how it really affects our brains and bodies. Since music is such a big part of our lives, I thought it would be interesting and useful to have a look at some of the ways we react to it without even realizing.
“Without music, life would be a mistake” – Friedrich Nietzsche
Of course, music affects many different areas of the brain, as you can see in the image below, so we’re only scratching the surface with this post, but let’s jump in.

Rabu, 30 November 2016

Muslimah spirit

oncepts of mind, self, soul, Spirit, and happiness are closely related in the Holy Quran. They are interconnected, in the sense that understanding them individually cannot be complete without understanding how they are related to each other.

As human beings, we are elated over a lot of God’s creations because of our ability to collect, process, and use data in a good way, by choice.

The human body is just an instrument that incubates and sustains the brain, which houses the human mind, from which the self develops and evolves throughout a person's lifetime on Earth.

God Almighty started the process when He installed an essential software from His spirit into the human DNA, including the brain. This is what allows and enables the human self to start a life-long process of data collection, processing, and decision making while having the ability to differentiate between good and evil.

When the body dies, when it is no longer capable of sustaining the self, whether by old age, sickness, or accidental injury, then records of the human self are completed (ended) by angels.

In the Hereafter, the self is going to be judged on the basis of its performance on Earth. If it is obedient to God in its behavior, it will be living in happiness in this life and in the hereafter. But, if the human self is disobedient to God, it suffers in this life and in the hereafter.

To sum up, goodness is obedience to God and evil is disobedience to Him.

It follows that whatever happens to human beings in their life is going to be good for them in the hereafter, as long as they are obedient to God, even if they become poor, get sickor killed unjustly. It is good because their ultimate destination is an eternal happy life in Paradise. They have to work as hard as they can in their pursuit of happiness during their first life on Earth but they have to observe God in everything they say or do.

You may get the results you want to achieve here in this life (wealth, power, prestige, reproductive activities, offspring, etc.) but there's a possibility that you may not get what you are pursuing because of circumstances beyond your control.

Success or failure, in the Islamic sense, is in how you conduct yourself during the process.

Motivation in Learning

Learning and Motivation is committed to publishing articles concerned with learning, cognition, and motivation, based on laboratory or field studies of either humans or animals. Manuscripts are invited that report on applied behavior analysis, and on behavioral, neural, and evolutionary influences on...
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